September 14, 2019

Parenting is a Scary Ride

I have twin girls: 
Both are young and beautiful,
But characteristically poles apart; 
I gave them the same food: 
Yet, one girl eats a lot,
Plays a lot and be adventurous,
Jumps before she thinks;
The other one is elegant,
Picky in eating,
Self-managed, self-disciplined,
Playful yet cautious;
One always ends up in trouble: 
The other day she went out
And fell down and broke her teeth 
She came back home
With no noise and kept silent
And back on her feet in a couple of days.
The other one is scared to leave the home;
She never goes out without me,
She wants me always around her,
She looks up to me
And believes I am her everything...

I never restrict any of them:
For trying out new food,
Or exploring their surroundings,
Or making new friends;
I don’t like to teach them life lessons -
I believe, life has an exclusive way of teaching 
Every individual with a unique lesson.
In fact, I am comfortable with the one,
Who never listens or bothers to be safe,
Who explores, falls and gets bruised,
Who also learns to get back and be normal!
But I am scared of the one
Who obeys ardently and stays next to me,
Who watches me with wide-open eyes of wonder,
When I walk or talk or work or even break:
That makes me so uncomfortable:
What if I can’t give answers
To all her questions?!?
What if I fail to live up to her expectation?!?

I rank as a careless and irresponsible mom
In the social yardstick of parenting...
Indeed, parenting is never a cakewalk;
I  learn so many things,
I watch numerous parenting techniques,
Yet I often fail to apply them practically
Parenting is not a skill or technique,
Can be trained or learned;
It is an art:
Spontaneous, arbitrary, unique and creative!
I am still bound to a few cliche patterns...
Inbuilt inside me unconsciously and habitually;
Creativity sometimes works,
But every time it scares the hell out of me...

I neither teach them religion nor introduce the idea of God:
As I still have not figured them out myself.
I teach them to enjoy the weather both shine and rain,
Teach them not to harm other living beings,
And enjoy everything they do;
Yet, it takes so much to keep them away from:
My possessiveness, insecurities, and helplessness!
I am scared of society -
When they spread their wings in the air
They must enjoy the ride,
Rather than measuring their wings with fellow birds...

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