August 22, 2018

Turtle's Pace is Wise

Indeed, timelessness is my strategy
Never ever have the sense of a time limit
Pacing at my heart's content
Is my style of living!
The world around me panics
And runs in the race
Batch by batch runs passing me
I never ever even tried reaching the track,
Nothing ever rushes me yet
Is it wrong to be stuck looking up the sky?
Or Is it wrong to talk to a tree?
Or is it wrong to be stuck thinking about nothing?
Or is it wrong to plan a trip every day to nowhere?
But I have been enjoying them...
Never regretting the single moment passed away,
Maybe one or two stupid deeds of mine were wrong
But what is the right way?
Is there a rule book to live a life?
Are the social norms and terms right?
Harm not any living being,
Appreciate every odd that exists on this planet,
Give away as much as you can,
Regret not for any act of love,
Are the rules I follow to live!
Instinct is my compass
Emotions and senses guide through
The unknown path I walk
All I care about is today
Believing that's all I have with me…
Let the world work on deadlines and targets,
My little world always has shine and rain in store
To keep me awestruck beyond the timeline!

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