August 21, 2018

Humdrum Trap of a Hummingbird

A hummingbird journeyed from a farther land,
In search of food for passion,
With strong worldly reasons,
Exploring through the newness,
Humming gracefully amidst the various bands of birds,
Being naive and bold
With his vital and valour natural attributes,
With starry shine, he stands out
From the mad flocks of fun!
A huge storm hit the strings
Of the rope of his hope...
He held to one tiny string
And tried to weave all the strings in place,
Though tiny daring wisdom he showed,
In handling the downfall...
A day came to challenge his emotional stance;
The whirlwind of monotony swirled him away,
From his track and pack,
Know not the way out he fumbles now...
The rarest of rare found the way out,
Hope can't be given up on him either,
As he is the rarest and purest of his kind,
May he get back his grip to the rope,
Reach out to the destiny he dreams,
As his will is mightier than his wings

To soar above all!

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