August 27, 2018

Self-made Imprisonment

Days were dull and dreary;
Nights were lone and forlorn.
The everyday routine of corporate prison
Is efficient enough to achieve inefficiency
For a random manager's pride and ego...
Shifts are shifted
Baseless targets and clueless deadlines
Continued to the wit's end!

Streaks of a rainbow
Peeped in without an announcement:
The high walls of monotony start to crumble,
Gray bars were full of climbers and blossoms,
The inanimate course turned to vividly animated,
Emotions and senses fluttered avidly;
Reasons are null to answer any of whys or hows...
The immense joy of the moments was worth a lifetime!

Yet, nothing lasts forever;
The blossoms are withering,
The climbers are dying;
Guards are awake
To rebuild the walls higher and stronger,
To paint the bars grayer;
Holding on to the traces and memories...
Breathing easy beyond the suffocation!

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