September 3, 2017

Music Moves Me

A young chirpy charming nightingale,
Strings a tune on guitar
Sings in a sonorous voice:
OMG! I am in sheer bliss!
Almost after a decade...
The act reminds me so many purple moments,
Though in grey shades...
Where does the muse lie?
Where does the music flow from?
Mystery to my stupid brain!
Jealous of those who crack,
No wonder, harmony lies in their nerve:
Notes, lyrics, chords and vocal chords
Blend in perfecto - Awestruck - 
My core hits the zenith - I wish to die -
This world is enough for the joy of a song!
The ultimatum of life lives in music,
Music touches the darkest recesses:
Of my irrational senses and emotions,
Where I dare to explore...
It communicates so deep,
It puts me in order,
It lulls me to sleep, 
It makes me smile,
I am so grateful to the nightingale 
For the beautiful five-minute private concert!

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