December 11, 2017

The Story of a Vulnerable Vulture

A vulture everyday visits a dark woods,
To decipher the mystery of the forest,
He never tries to enter once, 
Sits for years to pull the courage,
He scares to his bones to try all alone, 
He witnessed none entering alone,
Many birds chirp around him,
In the wide-spread meadow
Lies before the forest...
Every bird thinks he sits there to scare them away;
He cares too less about the birds
Flock in the meadows;
He wonders if any bird joins him to enter,
He has seen many pairs of birds fly in and fade away,
But as years pass, the pairs have been reduced,
Or even interested in the woods, 
They are timid and temporary...
The vulture dares none but beholds the beauty 
Of the crooked and complicated darkness inside the woods!

A few years ago he wasn't a vulture,
He was a beautiful peacock,
With pride and power,
A bird took him to the meadows
And showed him the forest,
As he was dreaming to explore the forest with her,
She took another bird and flew pass over him,
Into the woods!
Now the peacock lost its scherzo,
Plummeted to a vulture,
Withered all his colorful plumage...
Wore strong and cruel outlook,
He dares to harm a living being,
There he perches hiding all his vulnerability,
With the hope of entering the forest,
He can never be one among the flock,
Having fun at the meadows...
He is one of a kind -
Believes the forest holds better life!

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