September 30, 2024

Muted Kiss in Screaming Traumas

Oh my first kiss,
You are my holy wish,
As I put you on a pedestal
For too long, you turned pastel;
You used to be lively and vibrant,
When I was dull and silent,
You nurtured me with a preserved solace
And kept me from being reckless;
Though you are merely a deep-rooted fantasy,
And a made-up baseless fallacy,
Perfectly formed at my early teen,
Through the virtual 'Pretty Woman' scene.

Until late twenties, I smiled at you from far,
As I was scrutinised to meet the social status bar;
Though too late, love happened at its schedule;
To touch you, I wrote in my dream a manual;
Indeed, too big of a dream it was!
Love proved me wrong and left me with no sauce;
I thought you never meant to be real
And sealed you with an untouchable veil;
I numbed myself in the chaos of jarring reality
With the madness of mundane cruelty;
I just sighed deep and breathed out the suffocation
A decade went without a trace on vacation…

In my mid thirties, relocation to new city
Put me in a peer pressure of self pity;
Courageously, I unveiled you to dismantle
The pedestal against your will as you dandle;
Of course, you won and pulled me away,
From sabotaging my empath in a sway;
I said goodbye to the temptation with a poetic handshake;
I tightened the screws and smiled at your sweepstake!
Indeed, life kept me busy with a financial fight;
And family conflicts and medical bills kept me in a fright;
All fight and fright just stopped with a huge loss;
Purposelessness crept in with punishing claws…

Of course, four decades passed in a sweep;
You are still a shining star with no trace of sleep;
Now, noises of responsibilities rest in peace;
But, how did four decades passed just in a wheeze?
Integrity of honour and humanity decides my choice;
Never let dark temptations raise their voice;
The question what is left to lose pushes,
And I bravely ask a man for you without blushes;
I dared to touch you for a petty reason;
Indeed, you aren’t ready to settle for lesser passion.
Dearest first kiss, you are still a virgin,
Muted inside my screaming traumas as I imagine…

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